Cutest Asian Baby in the World

I said Asian baby so as not to offend any of you with little tykes of your own . . . or almost your own. But I think she's gorgeous:

My dearest Chinese friend Chen Yandie, a.k.a. Butterfly, sent me a picture yesterday of her daughter, Caterpillar, who was born in December. I've yet to find out the real name, but I'll keep you posted.
I met Butterfly after she saw my picture in the local newspaper and she sent a letter to me through the college where I worked. We met for coffee . . . before I drank coffee . . . and then we met for dinner at least twice a week thereafter. I was able to return to China almost 3 years ago for one of her wedding banquets. I say one of because there were 3: one in her hometown, one in the town where she works, and one in the city where he works. They still don't work or live in the same town, even after the arrival of little Caterpillar.

1 comment:

Laura Forman said...

How exciting! Glad you said Asian baby :) because we know that Sadie is the cutest baby, right?? :) I am glad you posted a picture of Butterfly...I wondered how she was doing, is she still in Fujian?